American Songwriter
“The main thing is the ability to be on different levels and have different levels of power. Learning how to take that power and reappropriate it to communities and people. You can foster a stronger sense of community through that shared power.”
“I realized that music was a tool that helped me identify with others that have similar experiences but possibly couldn’t figure out the words to vocalize them. Music is that emotional connector that presents all of us with a passageway to connect with others that don’t look like us, identify like us, or speak like us.”
How Guitar Gabby Connects Law, Music & Sustainability | Northern Heat Report
“In this week's edition of The Northern Heat Report, we interviewed Gabriella "Guitar Gabby" Logan, a business magnate, entertainment and environmental lawyer, philanthropist, and musician. Gabriella, also a writer for Guitar Girl Magazine and Guitar World, recently featured our Obsidian Ebony product in her articles. Despite being based in Atlanta, her connection to ThermalWood Canada and New Brunswick is noteworthy. Our conversation highlighted the unique way she practices law and the importance of networking. Sharing these stories helps showcase the amazing connections and opportunities in our province.” - Thermal Wood Canada
Guitar Gabby featured in City of Atlanta Welcome Video
Watch here
Connecting it All w/ Guitar Gabby | Heavy Girls Podcast
Guitar Gabby joins forces with PRS, Ernie Ball, ESP, EMG and more for fundraising livestreams and charity community days
“Guitar Gabby enlisted the support of some of the biggest names in the guitar world, including PRS, Ernie Ball, ESP, EMG and Afropunk, as well as brands and companies such as Sevananda, Punk Black, The Masquerade, Gender Amplified, Guitar World and Guitar Girl Magazine.”
- Guitar World Magazine
Guitar Gabby featured in “5 Female Musicians You Should Know” by Marie Claire
“For these women, being amazing at their instruments is just the tip of the iceberg.”
- Marie Claire
Surviving as a Woman Guitarist in Heavy Metal
Gabby Logan, Stephanie Bradley, Nikki Stringfield and more share their experiences of everyday misogyny, and discuss the harassment they are forced to face as prominent female musicians.

Guitar Gabby featured in Afropunk
“The Black Punk Princesses Making Hella Noise”
Guitar Gabby on Rock ‘n’ Roll Heretics: Shredding While Black and Female
“This multigenerational dialogue will highlight the intersectional journeys of Black women guitarists in rock, literature, and music education. Drawing from Sikivu Hutchinson’s new Black feminist road novel, Rock ‘n’ Roll Heretic: The Life and Times of Rory Tharpe, the discussion will explore Black women rocker’s perspectives on confronting racism/sexism/ageism and homophobia in corporate rock, defying cultural and gender expectations in the Black community, honoring unsung Black rock heroines, and lifting up Gen Z Black girl rock musicians.”
- Museum of the African Diaspora MoAD
Sketchy Conversations With John M Ellison IV
John talks with guitarist and singer/songwriter Gabby Logan about her band the TxLips, her being featured in Guitar World, coming up in Georgia and other topics.
Black Women in Rock Roundtable
Youth-facilitated roundtable with guitarists Malina Moye, Ghetto Songbird (Samantha Hollins), Jackie Venson, and Felice Rosser of Faith NYC. The dialogue will focus on Black women's history in the rock world, confronting challenges of racism/sexism/homophobia, artistry, creativity, and musicianship.
The TxLips’ mission of providing a platform to women of color reaches much further than the messages their lyrics carry. Described by founder Gabriella “Guitar Gabby” Logan as an “international all-women touring collective,” the LLC is committed to breaking through the ceilings that women in the industry encounter while making soaring rock ballads in the meantime. Aligning activism with their message, the group are currently donating all sales from their online streams to organizations committed to defending peaceful protestors.”
— Alternative Press
Guitar Gabby Interview on Metal Mad TV
“Gabby Logan talks diversity in music, women in the music industry, and new exciting projects.” -Metal Mad TV
Guitar Gabby’s Boss Up Series
Guitar Girl Magazine
Guitar Gabby’s Being a BOSS Livestream Series
Guitar Gabby of the international touring Black Woman rock band collective TxLips Band, LLC. sits down with friends in the game to have a candid conversation.
Part one in a twelve-part series, where Guitar Gabby walks us through her journey of “Being a Boss,” and shares insights and tips for other women to pursue their dream of becoming a boss.
the Self Management Series
She Shreds Magazine
Guitar Gabby x Owning your Craft in the Music Industry
Guitar Gabby x Self Management Series: Part 1: Why Self-Management?
Guitar Gabby x Self Management Series: Part 2: Staying Organized and Booking Gigs
Guitar Gabby x Self Management Series Part 3: The Right People and Resources
Guitar Gabby x Self Management Series Part 4: Copyright and Business Formation
Check out Guitar Gabby in this nterview with Anthony Stewart. Guitar Gabby Talks The TxLips Band, New Singles, Rock&Roll, Rosetta Tharpe, London, Montreal & More.
“For this installment of Theorematic featuring Guitar Gabby, we found ourselves in Atlanta, GA on a windy, bright but chilly day. Listen in on how her somber strings bounce off the bustling traffic and echo through the air.”
“Two albums into 2020 with no signs of slowing down the raw, DIY nature of Gabby's music isn't lost in production or instrumentation; it's deep, perceptive sensitivity... and shredding. With The Txlips in tow, they're a force of nature.”
“I have built something from the ground up that is fueled by my heart and passion to see Black women win on our own dime, on our own time, and by our definition of success.”
- Guitar Gabby in Shoutout Atlanta Magazine
“She’s the lime green guitar wielding badass who, aside from her music, has been a powerful voice to follow regarding the current Black Lives Matter movement.”
“Guitar Gabby & TxLips Band is a dynamic group of womxn whose mission is to challenge the boundaries set for womxn in the music industry as well as to inspire girls and womxn worldwide to be an unstoppable force in the music industry. This international touring collective has contributed to pushing the status quo of what the world says womxn can do. They continue to pursue their callings and are determined to motivate people everywhere by being themselves.”
“I created and started the TxLips Band and pushed the boundaries the music industry initially presented us with. I wanted to make sure that black women’s voices were heard and so I vowed to take our place in the industry, not ask for it anymore. Along the way, I met all the wonderful women of the TxLips band (there are 11 of us in total across the U.S.), and I built a model that would enable all of us shine no matter what city we are in or come from because I knew that longevity of the band was the most important thing. We each bring our own uniqueness to the band which is one amazing thing about us. We inspire different women and little girls of all kind, no matter what background or sexual orientation, to shine in their own light and to find their spark and greatness and use that to lead in life.”
— Guitar Gabby | Seattle Gay Scene
“ I firmly believe that when young girls see other women doing things they desire, it gives them something to aspire to. The TxLips Band does just that. We set out to inspire women and young girls everywhere set goals and dreams and to work towards that regardless of what society says women can and can’t do.”
— Guitar Gabby | Flash Africa
“Their existence alone is a symbol of black women breaking the barriers the industry puts on them, especially in rock music.”
“The Dead Pool’ is filled with scuzzed out riffs as Guitar Gabby’s seething growl soars, creating a grunge-fuelled impassioned anthem with shades of the likes of Alice In Chains.”
— Get In Her Ears